Des del dilluns 22 al diumenge 28 d’abril escoles i públic en general, podran visitar el veler “Astral” d’Open Arms. Les escoles hi poden anar en horari de mati, i... read more →
Activitat gratuïta al Port de Badalona, el proper dissabte 20 d’abril, a partir de les 20.00 hores, organitzada per Nautic Ocean. A través d’una connexió en directe es podrà veure... read more →
Rubén Guijarro, Mayor and Chair of Marina de Badalona SA, has confirmed that the works representing another step towards the completion of the canal in 2024 are progressing in line... read more →
The Port of Badalona hosts on Tuesday the presentation day of the Mobile Week 2022 in the city by Àlex Montornès, first deputy mayor of Economic Impulse and Covid... read more →