Imanol Sanz y Teresa Martín, gerente y jefa del área de gerencia de Marina Badalona respectivamente, han realizado un viaje institucional a Galicia para conocer diferentes puertos del territorio y reunirse con... read more →
The pirate raids in the Badalona are documented and part of the structure of the city and its architecture is heir to these pirate raids. For some time now, different... read more →
Expands programming to accommodate all audiences, including children The festival opens on Friday, July 1st with a concert by La Chica de Ayer, a pop rock tribute band from the... read more →
When you come to spend the verbena in the Port, to sail or to enjoy the restaurants offer, remember that you have to download and fill in the safe-conduct to... read more →
Almost 2,000 children and teenagers passed through Badalona marina’s Summer Watersports Base in July as part of the “Estiu amb Tu” municipal programme, doing watersports as activities included in... read more →